passive income

Wealth and Abundance Mindset

Do you know the secret of the rich?

What is a “wealth mindset”?

It is a belief that says you deserve wealth and financial rewards in life simply by being.

This is a fundamental law of the universe.

You must first recognize that you are worthy of receiving something (a desire, intellectual property, physical property) before you receive it.

And if you don’t recognize it – you won’t receive it.

Surely you have witnessed firsthand the phenomenon where some high-income people from the middle class still do not accumulate wealth; while others with moderate income do succeed. How is that possible?

One has a wealth mindset, and the other does not. It’s that simple!

Bob Proctor, in his book “You Were Born Rich,” writes one of the important messages:

“Success is not always about ‘reaching out’ for something you don’t have, but rather ‘reaching out’ and rearranging the pieces that are already there.”

“The best way to develop a wealth mindset is to start seeing yourself, in your mind’s eye, as already possessing the amount of money you desire.”

Money is a game of thoughts.

William James, one of the Jewish psychologists from the early 20th century, concluded that the average person uses only a small part of their true potential, about 10%.

You are capable of much more than you think and believe.

Nowadays, we prefer to stay in our comfort zones and live our lives in misery rather than taking risks and actions.

This may sound like a good plan in the short term, but sooner or later, we regret it.

It’s about taking actions, making mistakes, learning from them, and growing into a better person to realize our full potential. Most people live physically, intellectually, materially, or spiritually within a very limited circle of their potential being.

So what are the steps to increase your wealth mindset and build wealth?

Step One:

Every morning, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and imagine the feelings you will experience when you are in the wealth you desire.

See in your mind’s eye the vision of what you want, and spend time on the precise details.

Ask yourself what you would do with your wealth, how you would benefit from it, and how others would benefit from it as well.

Write down these feelings and specify with a clear practical plan the financial steps that will help you achieve it. Read it twice a day.

This exercise will quickly help you develop a prosperity mindset.

Step Two:

Create a vision board of the wealth you envision down to the smallest details. Be sure to look at the board in the morning and evening. Visualization is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal, but only a tiny fraction of people use it actively. I know many people doubt the law of attraction and techniques like visualization, but here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not. Universal laws work equally for everyone, and the law of attraction is one of them.

You always attract what you focus on, and if you want to change your current reality, you need to imagine yourself living a better future.

The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between actually holding money and mere visualization, soon you will feel very comfortable with the “idea of money.”

Once you feel comfortable with the idea of being wealthy, finding ways to create this reality will come easily.

Step Three:

Receive your wealth and abundance with gratitude. Accept the good that comes into your life and give thanks for every small piece of the whole until your vision is fully realized!

(This is a serious challenge for some of us who have had a limiting belief and thoughts of “I am not worthy.”)

Believe that you deserve good. Start your day with affirmations such as: “I am prosperous,” “I am inherently good,” “I deserve wealth,” and “I have powerful and creative force for good.”

Remember, you must first feel rich, and then act according to your focused intention to provide your good to the world.

Step Four:

The law of attraction works in conjunction with eleven other universal laws, and one of them is the law of action. Understand that thinking alone is not enough – you need to move into action.

After you have gone through the mental steps, you are already goal-oriented, you have cleared limiting beliefs – now it is time to move into the practical.

Be alert to opportunities.

Do the right things to reach your goals and believe in yourself.

Be aware that you are solely responsible for your wealth and leap forward!

We are here to help with your next financial breakthrough.

For investments and opportunities – contact us!