Managing Fear

Rose Capital Group
נוסדה ומנוהלת ע"י חיה רוזנצוייג המתגוררת בארה"ב ובעלותה חברה מצליחה להשקעות נדלן, ‎השהות שלה בשטח עצמו הופכת את ההשקעה לבטוחה ומניבה הרבה יותר.

שתף את הפוסט:


Managing Fear

Are you controlled by fear, or do you control it? How do we overcome the fear that paralyzes us from making financial progress? How do we deal with this intimidating concept called fear?

Have you ever wanted to take a decisive action to advance yourself, only to be stopped by a friend who says: “It’s not worth it; you’re being scammed; real estate abroad is dangerous; leave your money in the bank, it’s safer; there’s definitely a catch!”?

If so, and you listened to those voices and prevented yourself from progressing – fear managed you!

Have you ever asked these friends, “Have you done this? Do you have experience in this? What is their financial situation that qualifies them to give you advice?”?

Fear controls us because we don’t believe in ourselves and instead believe in others who are also afraid.

So first, ask yourself and all those “well-meaning souls,” “Have you done this?”!!

The answer is probably no.

So, what should you do? How do you stop being afraid? How do you believe in yourself instead of others?

Here are some tips to help you manage fear and live life to the fullest:

  1. Listen to Your Intuition:

    • Look back and find points in your life where you didn’t think you would succeed, but you did: getting a driver’s license, studying a challenging profession, starting a profitable business, etc.

    I have a small confession. At the beginning of the pandemic, a colleague came to us and said, “Put all your money in a safe and don’t touch it until the storm passes.” I froze with fear for a moment. Then Haya said to me, “Who is he? A success or a coward?”

    The truth is, his financial status isn’t great and isn’t an inspiration to me, so I did some market research, listened to my inner voice that said, “Yes, now is the time,” and disregarded his advice.

    Indeed, it turned out to be the best period with the most profitable investments we have made, and it has only gotten better with time.

  2. Knowledge is Power:

    • As wise people have said, decipher your fears, research, and learn about the subject you are afraid of. Today, the world is flooded with explanations and information on every topic online. “There is no such thing as risk – there is a lack of knowledge.”

    Once you understand the subject, it is no longer considered a risk.

  3. Set Goals:

    • Sit down and set goals and objectives for the coming year, six months, and quarter.

    When you feel that your goal is essential, the fear of not trying at all outweighs the fear of failure. This is when you will be inspired to act.

  4. Surround Yourself with Success:

    • Surround yourself with successful people. Tony Robbins says proximity is power. This is also known as the Law of Attraction – you become like the people around you.

    People truly focused on overcoming fear and achieving their dreams surround themselves with others with the same mindset. These are people you not only look up to but who will push you to achieve your goals. To overcome fear, you need to raise your standards.

And regarding friends – pay attention to who is around you, and if you want to consult someone, go to someone with experience and success in the field.

Most importantly, listen to your inner voice!

Good luck,

Haya and Adel

הישארו מעודכנים

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